Easily Sizing Up New Comedian Performance Levels In Your Area

Stand-up comedy appears to be highly competitive given the volume of people always trying to get stage time at open mic nights. Well, stand-up comedy is not as competitive as it may appear and this article shows you how to easily identify the real comedian players from the posers. Continue reading Easily Sizing Up New Comedian Performance Levels In Your Area

A Secret Weapon For The Pro Comedian

Do you want to have a significant advantage over other comedians when it comes to delivering the most powerful stand-up comedy act possible? This article reveals the secrets for finding out what level you are performing at and what you need to look at to improve your performances quickly. Continue reading A Secret Weapon For The Pro Comedian

You Kill On Stage And You Got The Video! Then This Happens…

stand-up comedian videos

Want to know why you didn’t quite get the response you were expecting when you shared a video of you slaying the room? This article discusses that and several other important aspects regarding online videos that every comedian should know. Continue reading You Kill On Stage And You Got The Video! Then This Happens…