Let’s Find Out What You REALLY Know About Punchlines

Delivering powerful punchlines that get big laughs is a major key to success for a comedian. But what do you really know about punchlines or how to produce them? This article addresses some of the supposedly “solid” information about punchlines that is actually useless. Continue reading Let’s Find Out What You REALLY Know About Punchlines

Stand-up Comedy Tips Are NOT Enough

Are you among those who believe that all it takes is few great stand-up comedy tips in order to have what you need to kill audiences nightly as a comedian? If that’s the case, then you may want to start looking under your pillow every morning for Tooth Fairy money too. Continue reading Stand-up Comedy Tips Are NOT Enough

Excuses Won’t Produce Big Laughs As A Comedian


Need an excuse for not being able to generate the laughs you need to move forward as a comedian? Well, you are in luck because this article covers some of the most popular excuses rookie comedians use to explain away why their comedy talent isn’t making audience laughs happen. Continue reading Excuses Won’t Produce Big Laughs As A Comedian