Performance Improvement Basics For Comedians

It’s been said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If you really want to make progress as a comedian, you must be able to intelligently evaluate your stand-up performances for improvement. This article discusses what to look for and how. Continue reading Performance Improvement Basics For Comedians

Excuses Won’t Produce Big Laughs As A Comedian

Need an excuse for not being able to generate the laughs you need to move forward as a comedian? Well, you are in luck because this article covers some of the most popular excuses rookie comedians use to explain away why their comedy talent isn’t making audience laughs happen. Continue reading Excuses Won’t Produce Big Laughs As A Comedian

Solid Stand-up Comedy Advice For New Comedians


Looking at taking a shot at stand-up comedy? This article provides solid, no-nonsense advice for new comedians who need to know aspects about this unique performing art that are not readily apparent or usually known to the casual outside observer. Continue reading Solid Stand-up Comedy Advice For New Comedians