Advantage Or Disadvantage: Which Do You Prefer?

You might be surprised to find out that most new comedians unknowingly choose to be at a serious disadvantage in their stand-up comedy efforts. This revealing article explains why and provides the keys for having a significant advantage as a new comedian. Continue reading Advantage Or Disadvantage: Which Do You Prefer?

Confidence: A Critical Attribute Every Comedian Must Have

If you don’t have MAXIMUM confidence as a comedian, you simply will not get far in stand-up comedy. This article covers some of the major conditions that can erode a new comedian’s confidence and prevent them from getting the big laughs when they hit the stage. Continue reading Confidence: A Critical Attribute Every Comedian Must Have

In Stand-up Comedy – It’s All About The “Writing”, Isn’t It?


If you are under the impression that being able to produce high level, big laugh stand-up comedy material for the stage is all about the “writing”, you may reconsider that after you review this article. Actually great writing skills are NOT required at all if you understand talking involves more than words alone. Continue reading In Stand-up Comedy – It’s All About The “Writing”, Isn’t It?