Excuses Won’t Produce Big Laughs As A Comedian

Need an excuse for not being able to generate the laughs you need to move forward as a comedian? Well, you are in luck because this article covers some of the most popular excuses rookie comedians use to explain away why their comedy talent isn’t making audience laughs happen. Continue reading Excuses Won’t Produce Big Laughs As A Comedian

Three Important Issues New Comedians Face

There are 3 big issues that can trip up a new comedian who has been performing but can’t seem to generate the laughter levels they need to get ahead in the worlds of stand-up comedy. This article identifies those issues directly and asks the questions new comedians should be asking. Continue reading Three Important Issues New Comedians Face

How To Write Stand-up Comedy Material (Overview)


Looking for the “secrets” to writing great stand-up comedy material that will generate big laughs on stage? This article provides an overview about how to write stand-up comedy material that is not found in popular books on stand-up comedy. Continue reading How To Write Stand-up Comedy Material (Overview)