Welcome To Top Stand-up Comedy Tips!
- Some Important Questions About Your Comedy TalentWhat do you really know about your comedy talent? This article explores some of the truths you may not be aware of when it comes to the comedy talent you have right now and that you will want to use on the stand-up comedy stage.
- Are You Using A One Dimensional Approach In A Three Dimensional Performing Art?We talk and express ourselves in three dimensions – sight, sound and words. So, how is one dimensional joke writing supposed to work for a comedian to get laughs in a three dimensional performing art? The short answer is that it doesn’t.
- Watch A Pro Comedian Skillfully DESTROY A Heckler!Heckling is often times referred to as an occupational hazard for comedians. This article features a video of a comedian skillfully engaging an intoxicated heckler at a show and pointing out what new comedians can learn from the interaction.
- It’s Not Just One Thing That Makes Stand-up Comedy Material Work (And Work Well)Most new comedians choose to only work with words and sentences as they are produced from a process of “writing” in order to produce stand-up comedy material that works. There are many more factors involved in order to get the laughs you want on stage.
- Looking For Stand-up Comedy Material Examples?I’m willing to bet that most people think that if only they had written examples of powerful and effective stand-up comedy routines, they would be able to uncover the real secrets they need to create a power stand-up routine. Find out why this logic is seriously flawed.