Welcome To Top Stand-up Comedy Tips!
- Should You Use A Stage Name As A Comedian?This article discusses whether or not you should use a stage name as a comedian and what you need to know about using one.
- Comparing Apples And Oranges When It Comes To Stand-up Comedy MaterialMany new comedians are under the impression that writing and talking are completely interchangeable forms of communication. Does that describe you? If so, you might want to take a look at this article that tackles a comment made on this blog on the topic.
- The Similarities Between Conventional Stand-up Comedy Education Resources And Dissecting A FrogConventional information on the topic of how to develop stand-up comedy material severely lacks real actionable information a new comedian can use to effectively develop a stand-up comedy routine that will actually get laughs. This article addresses these issues directly.
- How To “Write” Stand-up Comedy Material The Hard WayWhich is easier – writing or talking? Yet most new comedians feel that they are somehow obligated to to “write” their stand-up comedy material in a fashion intended for a reader, NOT a live audience. This article identifies why that is more than problematic.
- Looking For Stand-up Comedy Material Examples?I’m willing to bet that most people think that if only they had written examples of powerful and effective stand-up comedy routines, they would be able to uncover the real secrets they need to create a power stand-up routine. Find out why this logic is seriously flawed.