Still Trying To Figure Out How To “Write” Punchlines Out Of Thin Air? Now That’s Funny…

Punchlines are a comedian’s lifeblood. So, how do you write them? This article bluntly describes the major obstacles that can be encountered when trying to learn how to “write” punchlines for stand-up comedy material in the usual and ineffective literary fashion. Continue reading Still Trying To Figure Out How To “Write” Punchlines Out Of Thin Air? Now That’s Funny…

A Revealing Discussion About Hack Stand-up Comedy

What is hack stand-up comedy really, since most of the most popular comedians seem to talk about the same sorts of things? This article addresses the largely artificial concept of hack stand-up comedy material and questions what it means to be a hack comedian. Continue reading A Revealing Discussion About Hack Stand-up Comedy

Does It Take 5 – 10 Years To Get Good At Stand-up Comedy? Only If You Want To Take That Long…


How long will it take? That is a question most every new comedian has when they are making the decision to try stand-up comedy. This article discusses the difference between the time it takes to become funny as a comedian versus progressing in a stand-up comedy career. Continue reading Does It Take 5 – 10 Years To Get Good At Stand-up Comedy? Only If You Want To Take That Long…